In the film, Jerry Maguire, we are introduced to a character who has leads a fast paced and successful life - who seemingly has everything. A good job, a successful career, a beautiful fiance and the social life to match. Yet, we see that he is missing that personal touch and connection in life, and one day writes a mission statement emphasizing a more personal and closer relationship in regards to his job as a sports agent and more abstractly - just in life. This exact call for a more personal and close relationship causes him to lose his job !!!!
He stars of his own company with the help of an assistant by the name of Dorothy. What initially starts of as a professional relationship blossoms into romance, love and marriage. Or was it so ? Let take a moment to reflect the meaning of love via the messages of the movie, "Jerry Maguire."
Love is the relationship that waits for you, that completes you, that hopes that one day your partner will be or become that person you always dreamed of, it is faith based happiness. Love is also support - financial and emotional, love is dependable, love is sacrificing, and in the end Love will find a way to hear the Calling.
As per the movie Jerry Maguire this is the message that was the intended target of the meaning of Love.
We see that in the beginning of the story, Jerry's wife, Dorothy, is the more interested party, we see that she has a liking for Jerry even before he had any interest in her, matter of fact, he didn't even know her name. As the movie progresses, we start seeing some of the aspects of Love begin to take place. We see Dorothy willing to sacrifice her job in order to go work with/for Jerry. We her her express Faith in Jerry to be able to make his own way in life. We see the attitude of hard work and honesty to make his company and the relationship work. While all this is going on. his wife was trying to make the relationship work, Jerry on the other hand, seemed the disinterested party in the relationship. For him, it was just business, it was just work. He was so consumed with the work at hand of getting his company off the ground, that he didn't even see the Love he was been given. At some point, we see the tables turn, and Dorothy becomes the dis-interested party in the marriage and leaves, and this is when we see Jerry Maguire become the interested party. He comes back for his wife, and in front of audience, in a tear jerking moment, say's the ever famous heart warming phrase - " I Need You - You Complete Me - You are my Wife - I Love You."
One of the key aspects I learned about love from this movie is that love is achieved through different means of fulfillment between men and women. For a Women, if she believes in her partner, she is willing to sacrifice everything for that person. For a man, he is incapable of fully understanding love till he has his career in order.
In other words, it's almost like Love has an important places in a Man's life, but it is trumped by the search for prosperity and financial fulfillment .
I think that this movie's take on Love is very similar to the meaning of current day culture. Today more than ever we are seeing relations take place and get stronger once certain other career goals have accomplished.
A man is incapable of understanding love until he loses it because he wants what he can't have. A man to not be able to fully understand love until his he has a career is a big excuse to cover up the fear of being with a one person for the rest of their life. Love is an opportunity. You need to take it when it comes to you because you might not get a second chance.